I only work in black. And sometimes very very dark gray.
This release adds full support for macOS 10.14 Mojave, including choosing separate themes for light and dark mode, with automatic switching between them.
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
21st July 2018

Just a small update to fix a bug with operator precedence and powers.

If you are lucky, you can also find the castle of the Panda King..
22nd May 2018

PCalc 4.5.6 is available here.

This is a small update, but it adds a new dark theme, support for grads in trig functions, and display of SI unit prefixes in Engineering mode, amongst other things. So maybe it's not that small after all!
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
30th March 2018

PCalc 4.5.5 is available here. It's a minor update, but adds some new display options, many more of the themes support setting a tint colour, and there's now music in the About screen! What more do you need?

The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
9th February 2018

PCalc 4.5.4 is available here. It's a small update that fixes a problem updating the currency conversion rates.

Older versions will no longer see updated rates because the European Central Bank added a new currency (the Icelandic Króna) to their rates file and, due to a bug on my part, it caused these old versions to crash after they downloaded it.
Rather than crash, I stopped them updating their rates. This new version will work fine however, and should work with any currencies that are added in the future.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
17th November 2017

PCalc 4.5.3 is available here, a minor bug fix release to bring the core code up to date with the iOS version.

31st October 2017

PCalc 4.5.2 is available here, to fix a few more minor problems on High Sierra.

There's a new option to switch off the beep/flash on errors, in the Accessibility section of the settings. I also added achievements and leaderboards to the About screen, because it amused me.
Comments and suggestions to @jamesthomson or via email.
13th October 2017

PCalc 4.5.1 is available here.

This is mainly a bug fix release to fix some problems with 4.5 on High Sierra, but there's also 'Level 2' in the About screen. Look for the golden banana!
I've also had reports of graphical glitch on High Sierra with occasional black frames appearing in the About screen, but this seems to be a bug in the graphics drivers - it's mostly happening on machines with Intel built-in graphics. Hopefully Apple will have a fix soon.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email! Everweb 2 9mm.
15th September 2017

PCalc 4.5 is available here.

This release adds full support for macOS 10.13 High Sierra, drag and drop support to and from the display, and lots more! The full list of changes is here.
There's also a pretty cool new About screen, but I don't want to spoil the surprise!
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email!
29th June 2017
Finally appearing after twenty-five years, it's a manual for PCalc! It's written by Glenn Fleishman, and is a general introduction to the app, along with a list of every button and setting and what they do.
You can download a copy as a PDF here, which is better for printing and reading on large screens, and as an EPUB here which is better for smaller screens like a phone.
Let me know what you think!
8th December 2016

PCalc 4.4.4 is available here.

Just a small update to fix a crash bug, but there are a few minor features too - support for click sounds on the Touch Bar buttons on the new Mac Book Pros, and copy and paste of UTF-32 characters (aka emoji).
16th November 2016

PCalc 4.4.3 is available here.

A small release with one big feature, full support for the Touch Bar on the new Mac Book Pros!
You can configure the Touch Bar to have pretty much any button from the main calculator, and it provides easy access to recent conversions, functions, and constants, as well as settings like the display mode and number of decimal places.
There are separate bars for RPN and algebragic mode, as well as for the non-decimal bases, so there's a lot of flexibility.
Hope you like it. Maybe I'll sell enough copies to actually afford a real MBP :)
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email!
3rd October 2016

PCalc 4.4.2 is available here.

The inevitable second small bug fix release! Well, this really just adds the new rounding mode options from iOS. It seems some people are really passionate about their rounding algorithms, and didn't like the change I made in the last version, so now hopefully everybody will be happy!
24th September 2016

PCalc 4.4.1 is available here.

The inevitable small bug fix release! Mainly to fix a rare crash, but it also adds a new option for improper fractions, and the click sound engine from iOS. The full list of changes is here.
Every time I do an update like this, it starts out with no reviews, so if you like this update I'd appreciate it if you added or updated one yourself. Thanks, it makes a big difference to sales!
12th September 2016

PCalc 4.4 is available here.

This release add full support for macOS 10.12 Sierra, including a new look widget. There's also a new 'Fraction' display mode that shows the closest fraction for the current decimal result, new accessibility options, improved readability throughout the app, and lots more.
The full list of changes is here.
New versions are also available for iOS 10, watchOS 3, and tvOS 10.
Hope you like the update. Get in touch at @jamesthomson or send me an email!
18th March 2016

PCalc 4.3.1 is available here.

The first thing you'll notice are the new icons, designed by Frank at grafiksyndikat.com. I've unified the design of all the icons across all the different platforms PCalc runs on. The old icons were gettng a bit tired and didn't fit in as well with the OS, especially on the Mac, and these are modern and easily recognisable.
This release also brings a number of fixes and improvements, like the ability to specify E notation for the main display rather than using superscript numbers, and it makes the behaviour of the delete key more sensible when you are dealing with decimals and exponents.
It also brings the core code up to date with PCalc 3.5.3 on iOS. The full list of changes is here. Hope you like this update!
Love or hate the new icons, let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email!
30th October 2015
PCalc is now available for the Apple TV!
They said it couldn't be done. They said it shouldn't be done. But I went and did it anyway!
Yes, it's PCalc for the Apple TV. It's optimised for use with a remote and has many of the features from the parent iOS and Mac apps including an optional RPN mode, multiple layouts and themes, and full speech support.
It's currently only $1.99 in the US - the price varies in other countries, but similarly low. It doesn't have every feature yet - no tape or unit conversions for example - so I've priced it appropriately for now and I may increase the price as more things get added. I had consider making it a Universal Purchase with the main iOS app, but because you can upgrade PCalc through an in-app purchase in the free PCalc Lite as well, that would have excluded those people from getting hold of it.
So, the fairest thing to everybody - and fair to me, the developer, as well - is that I've made it a standalone app.
To buy a copy, just search on the Apple TV for 'pcalc' - select the icon that appears and it will take you directly to the App Store page.
Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see added next - I'm always open to feedback and feature requests!
30th September 2015

PCalc 4.3 is available here.

This release adds full support for OS X 10.11, El Capitan.
In addition, there are a number of frequently requested new features, including support for floating the calculator window above all other apps, and the core code has been updated with all the improvements from the latest iOS version 3.5.1. The full list of changes is here.

Enjoy! Please let me know what you think. Reviews on the App Store are always helpful too, thanks!

I'm also currently working on a small iOS update to add 3D Touch support for the iPhone 6S and 6S+. I should have something to share very soon!

3rd March 2015

PCalc 4.2 is available here.

Matrix Transformers

This release features a powerful update to the Today widget. There's now an advanced mode which you can see above - just click the button at the bottom left to switch between that and the existing basic mode.

Clicking the display, or any of the buttons, will give the widget keyboard focus, and you can then use all the keyboard shortcuts from the main application. The application icon at the side will now launch the main app and transfer the calculation over (you can also just double-click the display).

I'm still working on the layout editing for the main application, like the iOS version - my aim had been to get it into this release, but 10.10.2 introduced a bug that caused the previous version of the widget to crash, so I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later.

Hope you like the update! Let me know what you think. Reviews on the App Store are always helpful too, thanks!

15th October 2014
PCalc 4.1 for the Mac is available here.
This update adds full support for OS X Yosemite, including a Notification Center widget, and support for Handoff of calculations between iOS devices and the Mac.
It also brings the core code in line with PCalc 3.3.2 on iOS so you get all the improvements from that release too. Version 4.1 can import any custom layouts from iOS and sync changes via iCloud, but full editing on the Mac will come in the update after this one.
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think. Reviews are always appreciated, as they help people make up their minds when buying. If you wrote a review already, updating it for 4.1 would be great too. Thanks!
7th October 2014

PCalc 4.1 will hopefully release in the next week - it's currently awaiting approval from Apple. It has support for OS X Yosemite, including a Notification Center widget, and Handoff between the iOS version and the Mac.

It also has the latest code from PCalc 3.3.2 on iOS, and can load custom layouts created there. Layout editing on the Mac will come in the next version after 4.1.

27th May 2014

I've just released PCalc 3.2 on iOS, which adds all of the new features from PCalc 4 on the Mac, and supports syncing the latest user functions, conversions, and constants via iCloud.

Both apps are now using identical core code, so it will be a lot easier for me to quickly add features to both.

15th May 2014

An update to PCalc 4.0.2 is live on the Mac App Store now.

This is another fairly small bug fix release, but it also adds a number of cool new features, including:

The full list of changes is here.

One thing to note with the user functions - if you use any of the new commands, they won't sync over via iCloud to the existing iOS version. An updated iOS version that supports the latest stuff is coming very soon, I'm just putting the finishing touches to it now.

As with PCalc 4.0, this is a free upgrade for existing Mac App Store users, and for anybody who purchased PCalc 3 via Kagi since the 1st of April 2013.

Hope you like it! Reviews are appreciated, as they are a good way to encourage people to buy. If you wrote a review already, updating it for 4.0.2 would be great too. Thanks!

17th April 2014

PCalc 4.0.1 is now out on the Mac App Store.

This is a small bug fix release, mainly to fix a rare crash in 4.0 when switching layouts, and the problem that occured if the 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' font was missing. But, there are a couple of new features too:

As with PCalc 4.0, this is a free upgrade for existing Mac App Store users, and for anybody who purchased PCalc 3 via Kagi since the 1st of April 2013.

Hope you like it, please let me know what you think via email or twitter. And, if you wrote a review for 4.0, it would be a great help if you could update it for the 4.0.1 version - thanks!

9th April 2014

Two quick notes on PCalc 4.

If you're seeing the window for the calculator not appearing, or just a shadow and nothing else, re-enable the 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' font. PCalc uses this for the 'Easier To Read' digits, and if it's not there Bad Things Happen. I'll fix this in a 4.0.1 release soon.

The multiple calculator support will also return - the code for PCalc 4 was based on the iOS version which didn't support this, but I'm planning on adding it to both apps in the near future.


8th April 2014

PCalc 4 is here! It's available now from the Mac App Store.
PCalc 4 is a brand new version of PCalc for OS X. Based on the iOS version, it has been completely rewritten as a modern 64-bit Cocoa app. It has every feature from iOS, and some brand new ones too, including:

PCalc is now being sold exclusively via the Mac App Store - we don't have any plans to sell a separate version outside the store.

This is a free upgrade for existing Mac App Store users, and for anybody who purchased PCalc 3 via Kagi since the 1st of April 2013. I'll be contacting those people shortly by email.

For everybody else, the new version can be purchased here. It's been fourteen years since the first release of the shareware PCalc 2.0 on the Mac, and we haven't charged for a single update to PCalc since then, so I hope that people will understand why we're charging for this one now.

PCalc 4 requires OS X 10.8 or later, and is fully compatible with OS X 10.9.

I hope you enjoy this new version, please let me know what you think. Thanks!

3rd April 2014
PCalc 4 is coming very soon!

Hot Cocoa

Those of you who follow me on twitter at @jamesthomson will know that I've been working away on a brand new version of PCalc for the Mac, PCalc 4.

This is a complete rewrite of PCalc, based on the iOS version. It has every feature from it, including the multiple-line display, the horizontal ticker tape, the user-editable functions and conversions, and more. All the layouts and themes from the iPad and iPhone are included, alongside Mac-specific ones. It's also now a modern 64-bit Cocoa application. It's basically the best bits of the iOS version and the best bits of the Mac version, together.

The coding is all done, and I've just submitted a build of it to the App Store now, so I figure it should be ready for release about this time next week. Fingers crossed!

The only slight complication is how I'm going to handle upgrades, so I wanted to take some time to explain what's going to happen. Now, I haven't charged for an upgrade to PCalc since the very first shareware version 2.0, released fourteen years ago, so keep that in mind..

I'd really like to charge for this one, it's been a long time since I've done so, and this represents a lot of work. But it's complicated.

The vast majority of sales of PCalc on the Mac now come through the Mac App Store, and I can't charge anything for an upgrade there without creating a brand new app on the store. That causes a lot of confusion, especially if the old version is left up at the same time. You also lose all your existing reviews and search ranking. That's not good. Even then, the best alternative would be to lower the price for the first few days as a way to offer an upgrade price, but then everybody gets that price, regardless of whether they purchased it previously.

At the same time, I'd like to retire sales of PCalc outside of the Mac App Store. I've had a good run with selling via Kagi, but it's time to focus on the one store. Dealing with serial numbers and software update code is a real pain, for both me and the users.

So, this is what I'm planning when PCalc 4 comes out: it's going to be a free upgrade for existing Mac App Store users, and for anybody who has purchased it via Kagi since the 1st of April 2013. For those people, I'm going to get in touch shortly and give them a copy. For everybody else, the new version will be available from the Mac App store.

I can understand that some people will be unhappy at having to pay again for the latest version, but that's the fairest solution I can come up with given the many constraints of the App Store, and my desire to still make some money from this release. I hope that you think so too!

I'll have more on PCalc 4 in the coming week - let me know what you think!

4th June 2013
PCalc 3.9 is now available - grab it from the Mac App Store here, or if you bought it via Kagi, get it from here.

Constant Craving

The biggest change in 3.9 is support for the user constants, conversions, and functions created by the iOS version of PCalc. You can import them from iOS, and - with the Mac App Store version of 3.9 - they will sync across all your devices automatically via iCloud, both on OS X and iOS. You can also create and edit an unlimited number of user constants using the Mac version, and those will sync too.

Automatic syncing is currently only available in the Mac App Store version, due to Apple's restrictions on iCloud usage, but you can still manually import and export everything. Thanks to Joe Gering who put together a file for all the CODATA 2010 fundamental constants - download this file, double-click it, and PCalc should offer to import it. The list is very long, but you can copy and paste any of the entries into new categories in the Constants section of the Preferences window.

3.9 also adds constant functions in algebraic mode. Just press equals to repeat the last calculation, or enter a new value and then press equals to repeat it on that value - really quick and useful. That will be making its way to the next update on iOS too. I hope to add user function and conversion editing to the Mac version next time as well.

I hope you like this release - let me know on twitter at @jamesthomson or drop me an email. And, if you really like this update, please consider leaving a review on the App Store - it really helps! Thanks.

The Mac version is here, and the iOS version is here.
20th December 2012
PCalc is twenty years old this Sunday! I'll let that sink it a bit..
Yes, the first version of PCalc 1.0 was released for the Mac on the 23rd of December 1992. I'm willing to bet it's older than some of the people using it now.. I went back and installed a (virtual) Mac with a fresh copy of System 7 and tried to find the very first version online to install. The closest I could come was 1.0.2 from March 1993, but that's good enough to take some screenshots at least :)
I've written up a brief history of the app here - I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane.
The Mac version is here, and the iOS version is here.

This page is the one to watch for all the latest news and information about PCalc for the iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. Follow me as @jamesthomson on Twitter or read my developer blog for more.

7th October 2020

PCalc 3.10.2 is available here.

A fix for a crash bug at startup on iPadOS 14, as well as some new rounded digit styles.
17th September 2020

PCalc 3.10.1 is available here.

This release works around a bug in iOS 14 that caused PCalc to take a long time to open.
16th September 2020

PCalc 3.10 is available here.

This release adds support for iOS 14, and greatly improves the support for hardware keyboards. You can now use all the default keyboard shortcuts from macOS, and can import any custom keyboard shortcuts from there too.
The full list of changes is here.
It's been something of an difficult summer, this 2020, so I don't have as many new features in here as I would like for this year's big release, but I will add more things as time goes on, I promise!
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
25th April 2020

PCalc 3.9.5 is available here.

This release mainly fixes a bug in PCalc Lite that was causing a crash when trying to buy the full version, but it also adds the 'Hackett Number' to the Universal section of the Constants.
6th February 2020

PCalc 3.9.4 is available here.

This adds an option for left-aligning the main register while you are entering a number, and fixes a bunch of bugs.
20th November 2019

PCalc 3.9.3 is available here.

This adds an advanced layout for the widget, haptic touch contextual menus for the display lines, and lots more!
18th September 2019

PCalc 3.9.2 is available here.

Another quick fix for a problem with missing images in the Apple Watch app on watchOS 4.
13th September 2019

PCalc 3.9.1 is available here.

A mean bug broke into the tip jar in version 3.9 and ran off with the contents! We apologize for the inconvenience.
To make up for it, if you ran 3.9 at any point in the last day, you'll automatically have a bonus amount added to the tip jar from me, (for free!), regardless of whether you previously tipped or not.
To be absolutely clear, you've not been charged anything. This was just the quickest way to fix the bug, by putting an amount into the tip jar of every single person who ran 3.9.
12th September 2019

PCalc 3.9 is available here.

This release adds fulls support for iOS 13, including dark mode, auto theme switching, and the new Siri Shortcuts.
The full list of changes is here. More new features will be coming soon!
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
11th June 2019

PCalc 3.8.9 is available here.

Just a small update to mainly fix some bugs before starting the big push for Apple's OS updates in the autumn, but also includes the latest values for all the scientific constants, taken from CODATA 2018.
The full list of changes is here.
We also have some new t-shirts and limited edition pins on our store, featuring Pascal, the PCalc panda mascot. Check them out here.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
5th December 2018

PCalc 3.8.8 is available here.

This is mainly to fix a problem installing the watchOS app on Series 4 watches paired with an iPhone 6 Plus, but it also includes six new delightful Pascal the Panda animated iMessage stickers, as drawn by David Lanham.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
17th November 2018

PCalc 3.8.7 is available here.

This update improves support for the new iPads, and the watch app now downloads currency rates independently from the phone app.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
31st October 2018

PCalc 3.8.6 is available here.

Adds support for the new iPad Pros, and a new press and hold gesture for the number key operator shortcuts in the watch app.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
26th October 2018

PCalc 3.8.5 is available here.

This release has a lot of changes to the watch app - it has two new pages of additional functions, and supports a dark mode theme as well.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
19th October 2018

PCalc 3.8.4 is available here.

Mostly bug fixes, and also an option for displaying currencies to four decimal places.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
11th October 2018

PCalc 3.8.3 is available here.

Lots of fixes and new features for the Apple Watch app and the complications. You can now swipe down on the number buttons in the watch app for quicker access to the operators.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.

Pcalc 42

22nd September 2018

PCalc 3.8.2 is available here.

It's got one pretty cool new feature for Siri Shortcuts users - you can now create custom buttons that open URLs.
What that also means is that you can use the Shortcut app's x-callback-url support to run a shortcut, pass it a value from PCalc, then put the result back into PCalc afterwards.
PCalc now also supports x-callback-url itself, with initial support limited to setting and getting values:
Effectively, you can now make PCalc functions that talk to any app on your device that supports Shortcuts! I think this will be pretty powerful going forward.
Tell me if you make something fun with all this at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
16th September 2018

PCalc 3.8.1 is available here.

Just a minor update to fix some niggling bugs with 3.8.
15th September 2018

PCalc 3.8 is available here.

This release adds full support for iOS 12, including an extensive Siri Shortcuts section in the settings. It also supports the new iPhone XR / XS / XS Max phones, and the Apple Watch 4.
On the whimsical side for this year, it also comes with a set of animated iMessage stickers of Pascal the PCalc panda as drawn by David Lanham.
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
21st July 2018

Just a small update to fix a bug with operator precedence and powers.

If you are lucky, you can also find the castle of the Panda King..
22nd May 2018

PCalc 3.7.6 is available here.

This is a small update, but it adds a new dark theme, support for grads in trig functions, and display of SI unit prefixes in Engineering mode, amongst other things. So maybe it's not that small after all!
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
30th March 2018

PCalc 3.7.5 is available here. It's a minor update, but adds some new display options, many more of the themes support setting a tint colour, and there's now music in the About screen! What more do you need?

Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
9th February 2018

PCalc 3.7.4 is available here. It's a small update that fixes a problem updating the currency conversion rates.

Older versions will no longer see updated rates because the European Central Bank added a new currency (the Icelandic Króna) to their rates file and, due to a bug on my part, it caused these old versions to crash after they downloaded it.
Rather than crash, I stopped them updating their rates. This new version will work fine however, and should work with any currencies that are added in the future.
Let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email.
17th November 2017

PCalc 3.7.3 is available here.

This release is mainly to improve the iPhone X support a little bit more, now that I have a device of my own to test with.
I'm working on some iPhone X specific features now, like an OLED black theme - in the meantime, the Samurai Night theme works pretty well.
Let me know what you think!
31st October 2017

PCalc 3.7.2 is available here.

This improves the iPhone X support, and also adds achievements and leaderboards to the About screen.
Let me know what you think!
13th October 2017

PCalc 3.7.1 is available here.

This is a small bug fix release to correct a few problems on iOS 11, but there's also a 'Level 2' in the About screen. Look for the golden banana!
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think!
15th September 2017

PCalc 3.7 is available here.

This release adds full support for iOS 11, including drag and drop support, and a (quite silly) AR calculator mode. It even supports the iPhone X!
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think!
29th June 2017

PCalc 3.6.8 is available here.

The main new feature is one that you can get right here! It's a manual, finally appearing after twenty-five years. It's written by Glenn Fleishman, and is a general introduction to the app, along with a list of every button and setting and what they do.
You can download a copy as a PDF here, which is better for printing and reading on large screens, and as an EPUB here which is better for smaller screens like a phone.
Let me know what you think!
13th June 2017

PCalc 3.6.7 is available here.

You've got the power to know. You're indestructible.
It's mainly just a small bug fix release for a display problem on the new 10.5-inch iPad Pro, although there are some new icons in there as well, naturally!
Let me know what you think!
2nd June 2017

PCalc 3.6.6 is available here.

I wanted to get a fix out for a problem with the tip jar total not syncing to other devices, but while I was at it I added some more icons! The tip jar seems to be a popular feature, so thank you everybody who has tipped - it's appreciated. Oh, and there's a silly 'Gravity Mode' feature in the Advanced section of the settings.
It's the week before WWDC, so I wanted to get all this out of my system before I settle down into the long months of supporting whatever it is that gets announced on Monday.
Get in touch if you have any ideas for new features, or even just new icons!
25th May 2017
There was a small 3.6.5 update for PCalc Lite to fix a problem with the alternate icon resetting.
24th May 2017

PCalc 3.6.4 is available here.

In this release I've added the ability to change the icon, and possibly gone a bit overboard as well! Along with the ability to change the icon between the existing blue and orange versions, there are nineteen more icons to choose from including lots of colors and some old designs going way back to 1992. I even redrew the old 2008 icons from scratch!
Now, to unlock these extra icons, I've added an optional tip jar. Since we've never charged for an update, this is an experiment to see if people feel like dropping some extra coins into the jar as a way of supporting the release of new versions. Even if you don't tip, you'll always have the full functionality available, this is just a little cosmetic bonus.
If the icon doesn't change on the homescreen, restart your device and that will fix it - there seems to be an iOS bug that causes the icons get stuck occasionally.
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think. Do you love the tip jar idea, do you hate it? All comments and suggestions welcome.
27th January 2017

PCalc 3.6.3 is available here.

This release adds a number of small but useful functions. You can now optionally display labels on buttons to show the 2nd function for that button - it's in the Advanced section of the settings. And you can also now export all settings and user data from PCalc into a single file, send that to another device or to somebody else, and import everything again into a different copy. Works between PCalc and PCalc Lite too.
In PCalc Lite, instead of offering an 'Upgrade Pack' in-app purchase, it now lets you buy the full version of the app directly. All other in-app purchases are unchanged, and the 'Upgrade Pack' still works exactly as before if already purchased, giving identical functionality to the full app. But hopefully this should reduce confusion with people expecting the icon and name to change.
The full list of changes is here.
Let me know what you think! All comments and suggestions welcome.
3rd October 2016

PCalc 3.6.2 is available here.

Turns out, people are very particular about their rounding algorithms! So, by popular demand, the default is now back to 'round to nearest or even' but I've added a new rounding part to the Advanced section of the settings, where you can pick the method you like. This applies to the main display and anywhere else in the app where rounding occurs because of the 'number of decimal places' slider, not just to the 'Round' button.
I've also fixed a bug in the fraction display mode on 32-bit devices.
24th September 2016

Pcalc 4 3/8

PCalc 3.6.1 is available here.

This is mostly to fix a crash with the widget on the iPhone 7 Plus - see my twitter feed for much discussion as I tried to work out what was going wrong. But, it also gave me a chance to add support for the new haptic feedback API on the new phones too. The full list of changes is here.
Every time I do an update like this, it starts out with no reviews, so if you like this update I'd appreciate it if you added or updated one yourself. Thanks, it makes a big difference to sales!
12th September 2016
PCalc 3.6 is now available here.
This release adds full support for iOS 10 and watchOS 3, including a brand new widget and an updated watch app. Highlights include:
The Apple Watch app has a new constants section, improved dictation, and support for gestures and Scribble on watchOS 3.
The full list of changes is here.
New versions are also available for macOS Sierra, and tvOS 10.
Hope you like this update. Get in touch at @jamesthomson or send me an email!
18th March 2016
PCalc 3.5.3 is now available here.
The first thing you'll notice are the new icons, designed by Frank at grafiksyndikat.com. I've unified the design of all the icons across all the different platforms PCalc runs on. The old icons were gettng a bit tired and didn't fit in as well with the OS, especially on the Mac, and these are modern and easily recognisable.
The Apple Watch app gains a new unit conversion section, as well as a watch face complication to make it easier to access the app.
This release also brings a number of fixes and improvements, like the ability to specify E notation for the main display rather than using superscript numbers, and it makes the behaviour of the delete key more sensible when you are dealing with decimals and exponents.
The full list of changes is here. Hope you like this update!
Love or hate the new icons, let me know what you think at @jamesthomson or send me an email!
30th October 2015
PCalc is now available for the Apple TV!
They said it couldn't be done. They said it shouldn't be done. But I went and did it anyway!
Yes, it's PCalc for the Apple TV. It's optimised for use with a remote and has many of the features from the parent iOS and Mac apps including an optional RPN mode, multiple layouts and themes, and full speech support.
It's currently only $1.99 in the US - the price varies in other countries, but similarly low. It doesn't have every feature yet - no tape or unit conversions for example - so I've priced it appropriately for now and I may increase the price as more things get added. I had consider making it a Universal Purchase with the main iOS app, but because you can upgrade PCalc through an in-app purchase in the free PCalc Lite as well, that would have excluded those people from getting hold of it.
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So, the fairest thing to everybody - and fair to me, the developer, as well - is that I've made it a standalone app.
To buy a copy, just search on the Apple TV for 'pcalc' - select the icon that appears and it will take you directly to the App Store page.
Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see added next - I'm always open to feedback and feature requests!
8th October 2015
PCalc 3.5.2 is now available here.
This is a small update with one big feature! I've added 3D Touch support to PCalc, for the new iPhone 6S and 6S+. After you've run it once, you'll see a new shortcut menu when you press on the PCalc icon. You can also press on the display to quickly peek at either the registers, RPN stack, or the tape.
There's a very extensive 3D Touch configuation section in the settings now too. And no, that's not the new long iPhone 7, I just stitched together some screenshots!

I think that's all the main stuff I need to do for iOS 9 and the new phones, sorry it took me three releases, but it's been a bit crazy here, and the 3D Touch was a bit of a last minute surprise as well. Hope you like the combined 3.5.x release anyway! I'd appreciate it if you added a review for 3.5.2, since this update just hid all the good reviews for the previous versions - it's a big help if people see positive reviews when they go to buy a copy. Thanks in advance!
Let me know what you think of it too - always open to feedback and feature requests!
30th September 2015
Just a little bit of cross promotion - PCalc 4.3 for the Mac is now available here. This adds support for El Capitan, adds a bunch of features, and also brings the code up-to-date with version 3.5.1 for iOS.
I'm also currently working on a small iOS update to add 3D Touch support for the iPhone 6S and 6S+. I should have something to share very soon!
24th September 2015
PCalc 3.5.1 for iOS 9 and watchOS 2 is now available here.
I wanted to get a quick release out to fix a number of annoying bugs that slipped into 3.5, but there are some nice new features available too!
The watch app has had a bit of a lick of paint, and now features subtle haptic feedback when you press the buttons - I think it's really cool, and lets you know that you that it accepted your tap.
I've also collected together all the existing accessibility options, together with some new ones, and created a new 'Accessibility' section in the settings. There are lots of options for bigger text, switching off animations, and spoken feedback. I've made all of these options available in PCalc Lite for the first time too, for free. I felt bad that I was inadventently charging for accessibility options by the fact of hiding them in the Advanced settings (which weren't available in Lite unless you bought the 'Power User Pack' in-app purchase). So, I've done something about it!
Incidentally, the 'Programmer Pack' was accidentally left switched on by default in PCalc Lite 3.5 but this has now been fixed - hope you enjoyed the free taste!
To quote myself of ten days ago, I hope you enjoy this release - as always updated reviews on the App Store, and anything else to help get the word out, are appreciated. Please let me know what you think.

Pcalc Download

14th September 2015
PCalc 3.5 for iOS 9 and watchOS 2 is now available here.

This release adds full support for the split-screen multitasking of iOS9. There's a completely new set of layouts available in split screen mode, optimised for a tall, thin column. But of course, you can edit them as well as create your own.

Pcalc Manual

It also brings a native watchOS 2 app. In addition to the speed and responsiveness from an app that runs solely on the watch itself, there is now support for Handoff for sending a calculation directly from your watch to your Mac or to any other iOS device. The tip calculator has also been updated so you can use the digital crown to directly enter values, with the bonus that there's now room to show the full tip, split, and total all at once.

Due to popular demand, I've also changed the behaviour of the percentage key in algebraic mode to match the Apple calculator - but the old behaviour is still available via the 'Display Percentage Result' option in the Advanced settings.
The full list of changes is here. Oh, and the main PCalc app still supports iOS 7 or later, but the watch app now requires a minimum of watchOS 2.
I hope you enjoy this release - as always updated reviews on the App Store, and anything else to help get the word out, are appreciated. Please let me know what you think!
Next stop, the Mac version of 4.3, and perhaps the new Apple TV!
10th June 2015
PCalc 3.4.1 is available here.
This is just a small update, but it adds a very powerful feature to the watch app. You can now dictate numbers and simple calculations - just tap the display and talk! As a bonus, you can also paste the same kinds of calculations into the main app.
If you like it, it would be great if you could write a review on the app store - or update an existing one. Thanks very much!
19th May 2015
PCalc 3.4 has been released, with support for the Apple Watch! It's available here.
This update gives you a fully functional calculator on your wrist, complete with a tip calculator. Tap the blue '…' button to switch between the pages.
Force touch brings up a menu that lets you send the current calculation direct to your phone, clear everything, or perform undo and redo. There's also a glance which will show you the most recent results from the phone and the watch.

Of course, there's also support for RPN calculations - the watch will pick up your preferred settings from PCalc on the phone automatically.
If you like it, it would be very helpful if you could add or update a review on the store for this release. In any case, please let me know what you think, and thanks!

Older news is here.